The Moment I Found out I was HIV Positive

4 min readApr 8, 2021


The moment that I discovered I was or learned that I was HIV positive. I got a call on the 2nd of January 2010 saying that there was something that I needed to come into the back into the clinic of mine. I ignore the phone call a few times and eventually picked up. They told me I had to go to the clinic straight away. It was October 1982.

Every single lymph node in my body was just enlarged. I was walking around as though I was a gorilla; I knew many people and who were diagnosed with HIV feel isolated. I was just wiped out; I couldn’t believe her. I was33. You know my life was only beginning, and here I was being given the death sentence.

I had to wait two weeks to get back to the UK, which was the worst holiday I’ve ever had, and as soon as I got back to the UK. I went to a clinic, and then there’s told me I had HIV before I even sat down in a seat, gay men were always put in sidewards. In those days, you wouldn’t contaminate anybody, and they did the biopsy, and it came back, and it was half three, which is what it was called then, and it was incurable.

Read More: I’m HIV Positive — Do You Like to Date Me?

They had nothing you know that they could offer, and it was a terminal diagnosis. It was a difficult thing to get that diagnosis. I knew enough about HIV to know that I would be okay and that there was effective treatment even back then in2010, and we’ve made so many kind of leaps and bounds in treatment. Since it was a question of what was I going to do, I’d got to get out and live and like been to gay bars, and I was hanging the sort of the corners not wanting to meet people but wanting to be people, and I picked up a cap a copy of capital gay which was some of those gave new sheets.

There was tiny bad saying gay through nuclear-free future were running a bus on the 1st of April 1985 from gays the word, and everybody was welcome, and I thought alright this would be my entry back into society. I met my partner that day, and we’ve now been together for about 35 36 years, which is extraordinary, and from that, we sort of I got involved with this mini-game in support of the miner living with HIV.

you’re always kind of wondering when you meet new people, how do I tell them are they going to react badly are they going to, you know shun me are they’re going to do really weird things like they’re going to refuse to share a plate or a cup or one of those really weird things that we know there is no transmission risk at all.

If you are on effective medication and are undetectable by your viral load, you cannot transmit the virus there’s no such thing as a bad HIV test result. If you test negative, that’s great because you now know that you’re negative.

You can take steps to stay negative, be like prep pet condoms or cause you if you’re positive that’s als a good result because you now know that you’re positive. You can get access to free life-saving medication, which will make you healthy and detectable, which means you can stop passing a chip on as well.

There are over 100 different strains of the HPV virus, and almost 80 million people are infected with 14 million new infections virus each year. It isn’t curable, but it leaves of its own accord after some years. Now, there is a vaccine for both men and women. Here is a vaccine for both men and women.

You would only have to sleep with 4 unprotected partners to have a 50% chance of catching this, and a condom won’t necessarily protect you, as it spreads by skin-to-skin contact. While it is very much true that most men and women will get it at some point in their lives, and some people do cause cancer, most people never have any symptoms and don’t even know they have the herpes virus.

They can cause genital warts, but several treatments will work. The HPV vaccine can protect against the high-risk strains of HPV that cause cancer. To eliminate your chances of catching HPV, be sure to get the HPV vaccine. Genital Herpes is also quite common, with already 24.1 million Americans infected, and you would only need to have intercourse with around 13 partners to have a 50% chance of contracting it.

Millions of people have the herpes virus but don’t show any symptoms and are not infected to the point that they can pass the virus on. So there’s a chance you might have herpes virus already, but you don’t have the viral load required for it to show up in any blood test.

If you’ve ever had a cold sore or a fever blister around the mouth, then you had Herpes.

Always be safe; use a condom. You are starting a new relationship, and having to explain to your partner that you have HIV could well be a deal-breaker.

Read More: Dating Someone with HIV — You Can still has A Love Life




Written by Jessica333

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