HIV Positive Dating: My Boyfriend Will Never Get HIV From Me
The Center for Disease Control(CDC) officially admits people with HIV who are undetectable can see that word right. There can’t transmit HIV. The government formally agrees with the studies. It’s science versus stigma. We are so excited about this news. This is going to save lives. This is going to change the stigma. This is going to change how people with HIV live and stay on their medication.
They won’t transmit the virus to any bails; this could be a considerable reduction in transmissions; this knowledge alone doesn’t know this person with HIV doesn’t know this. They need their medical providers not to give them this information. This information is so important that they would not be transmitting the virus to other people. They’re also prolonging their lives.
Their health by taking the medication and becoming undetectable and making the virus dormant in their body. Those with undetectable HIV virtually no risk of transmitting the virus, says the CDC. It was a study with 888 couples that was done over several years. These were gay couples. These were heterosexual couples where one was positive one was negative. The positive partner was virally suppressed. That means they’re taking their medication every day, and their virus is down to an undetectable level that they can’t find the virus.
When they test them, that’s where I’m at. That’s where everybody I know is that’s on medication some people, and it takes a little bit longer. So it’s one positive partner and one negative partner. The positive partner is virally suppressed. They don’t use protection, and they have dating and over. Many years of watching these couples, of them 58,000 sexual encounters between these couples over. so many years the virus was not transmitted not once was it shipped from the HIV positive partner who’s virally suppressed to their HIV negative partner.
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It was not transferred; this is overwhelming conclusive and for me that HIV cannot be transmitted by an HIV-positive partner that spirally suppressed to their HIV negative partner. This news is groundbreaking, and BruceRichmond he’s the man that got the ball rolling. He didn’t let anything get in the way of how he felt about this. These results weren’t available.
You know, 10years ago, this is new. It’s fantastic to talk to HIV positive people who have no idea that they don’t have to worry. So if you all are wondering about your boyfriend, he is HIV negative, and he will continue to stay HIV negative because you equals you.
I’m undetectable. He’s not going to get it from me. He has nothing to worry about, and this goes for gay couples. It goes straight.It’s not going to be transmitted because once that partner is undetectable and their virus is suppressed. They can no longer share the virus. So excited to keep putting this word out there and making sure that people understand what you equal. In general, you mean it will change the perception that people have towards HIV and the people living a life of worrying that they’re going to give it to their partner, and you know literally. Some people won’t date because they’re worried that they will give it to somebody. Having this information will change a life, and it’s exciting to be a part of it.
I couldn’t be more proud and more excited to be involved in this movement, and Bruce, you’re the greatest. It’s so great to know you. It’s so great to be a part of this energy.
Read More: The Day I Found I am HIV Positive