HIV Hasn’t Stopped Me Finding Love
HIV is a death sentence but if you take your medication regularly you can live a good healthy life which is what i like to do every day. dating is hard even without the HIV virus everyone has a preference of what they want to sign up for in a relationship. I dated the guy at one point and he was terrified of me have living with HIV. he really struggled because he was a hypochondriac then it just hurts me like i just can’t get it out of my head. he was absolutely terrified i was born with HIV but our family didn’t actually find out about it until I was two years old. my mother had HIV virus but was unaware that she had it and she ended up getting very sick I was about six and a half years old when she passed away. I was told I wasn’t going to live because the medicine wasn’t what it is today.
Today it allows me to live a very normal life just like others when Dating With HIV i find that it’s so much better to tell the person in the beginning about your status that i have hiv before emotions are really involved. I found Him on online Dating Sites for HIV-positive people which is for STDs. My partner didn’t have much knowledge on HIV. I educated him and I take I pill once a day and it creates the virus to become undetectable.
The hardest thing about my HIV diagnosis was everybody hating me for it and treating me differently and that was really making to cry. i experienced a lot of discrimination people in my life randomly beating me up spitting on me pushing me in shove huddles. i had my own bathroom my own water my own towel and my own corner of the classroom and none of the kid’s parents didn’t allowed me to play with their children. i believe there’s still so much stigma surrounding the HIV virus because we don’t have enough education on it and that’s really it online judgment and hate and discrimination towards people with hiv is horrendous show have people in your life dealt with me having hiv.